Rafo Iparraguirre

For the design of the “Queñual” collection of MORBO STORE Rafo Iparraguirre collaborated through his photographs from the series “En Busca del Bosque de Queñua”, transforming them into graphics and prints, which were captured on fabrics to create the pieces.

During the research process for the collection, the valuable contribution of the Queñual to the environment, to the cold in the world, was discovered, becoming key to combat the effects of climate change.

This tree absorbs moisture from its surroundings, and «sweats» it in the form of water, creating springs and nourishing its surroundings. The Queñual can transform dry and eroded landscapes into optimal habitats for threatened species.

However, and despite its multiple benefits, its growing area has been seriously affected by deforestation for production and grazing, to the point that today there are only about 500,000 hectares of Queñual left in the entire country.

That is why we are committed, together with the NGO ECOAN and its reforestation program, to take action by planting a Queñua tree for each garment sold from the collection, with the aim of stopping its deforestation and encouraging the expansion of its ecosystem.

To continue with our commitment to the environment, this catalog has been created in digital format in order to reduce the use of paper and printing, contributing to our purpose of reforestation.
